"Andrew" - Freedom of Religion on Campus
Case Type: Freedom of Religion (university campus)
Status: Settled by negotiation
“Andrew” (pseudonym) is a student at a large Australian university. He is also a Christian.
That is what he told a classmate who spoke to him regarding their struggles with anxiety. He offered to pray for them, with their permission, which they granted.
Shortly thereafter, during a conversation to which the same classmate was a party, Andrew was challenged with the question, “What would you do if your friend was gay?” His response included statements to the effect that he would show love to them, but would not necessarily agree with what they were doing.
Andrew was suspended from the university for at least one semester pending a review and had official disciplinary action recorded on his transcript for allegedly making his classmate feel unsafe.
Lawyers affiliated with the Human Rights Law Alliance were able to represent Andrew in his negotiations with the university, ultimately securing a reversal of the decision which enabled Andrew to return to his studies without detriment.
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